init static method

void init(
  1. BoxConstraints constraints,
  2. Orientation orientation,
  3. double breakpointMobile,
  4. double breakpointTablet,

Initializes the Media class with the given constraints and orientation. Calculates the screen width, screen height, orientation, and device type based on the constraints and breakpoints.

The constraints parameter represents the maximum constraints for the widget. The orientation parameter represents the current orientation of the device. The breakpointMobile parameter is the width breakpoint for mobile devices. The breakpointTablet parameter is the width breakpoint for tablet devices.


static void init(BoxConstraints constraints, Orientation orientation, double breakpointMobile, double breakpointTablet) {
  screenWidth = constraints.maxWidth;
  screenHeight = constraints.maxHeight;

  // Determine the device type based on the screen width and breakpoints
  if (screenWidth <= breakpointMobile) {
    Media.deviceType =;
  } else if (screenWidth <= breakpointTablet) {
    Media.deviceType = DeviceType.tablet;
  } else {
    Media.deviceType = DeviceType.desktop;

  // Swap width and height values if the device is in landscape orientation
  if (orientation == Orientation.landscape) {
    double tempWidth = screenWidth;
    screenWidth = screenHeight;
    screenHeight = tempWidth;
    Media.orientation = OrientationType.landscape;
  } else {
    Media.orientation = OrientationType.portrait;

  // Calculate the block width and block height for relative sizing
  _blockWidth = screenWidth / 100;
  _blockHeight = screenHeight / 100;

  // Set the default values for text, image, height, and width based on the block sizes
  text = _blockHeight;
  image = _blockWidth;
  height = _blockHeight;
  width = _blockWidth;