responsive_helper is a Flutter package which will help you make your application responsive without doing any calculations. Just add the same measurements as given by the designer!
How does it work?
You just have to initialize responsive_helper by giving the size of the screen which is used in the UI. Then just copy paste the sizes of the objects which are given in the UI and paste it in your code by using .h / .w / .t after giving the size. Now responsive_helper will automatically calculate and make that object responsive according to the user's screen and your code will look really very similar to the design given by the designer.
Install the package in your code
flutter pub add responsive_helper
class ResponsiveExample extends StatefulWidget {
const ResponsiveExample({super.key});
State<ResponsiveExample> createState() => _ResponsiveExampleState();
class _ResponsiveExampleState extends State<ResponsiveExample> {
void initState() {
// TODO: implement initState
initializeSize(396, 812); // Give the size of the screen which is used in the design
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SafeArea(
child: Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
width: 350.w(context), // width of the object which is given in the design file
height: 80.h(context), // height of the object which is given in the design file