flutter_redux_hooks library


Provides a Redux Store to all descendants of this Widget. This should generally be a root widget in your App. Connect to the Store provided by this Widget using a StoreConnector or StoreBuilder.


useDispatch<S>() Dispatch
A hook to access the redux dispatch function
useSelector<State, Output>(Selector<State, Output> selector, [EqualityFn? equalityFn]) → Output?
A hook to access the redux store's state. This hook takes a selector function as an argument. The selector is called with the store state.
useStore<S>() → Store<S>
A hook to access the redux store


Dispatch = dynamic Function(dynamic action)
EqualityFn<T> = bool Function(T a, T b)
Selector<State, Output> = Output Function(State state)

Exceptions / Errors

If the StoreProvider.of method fails, this error will be thrown.