Selector<T> constructor

  1. required String key,
  2. required GetRecoilValue<T, dynamic> getValue,

Creates a Selector, which represents a piece of readable state

  • Define a unique key in order to identify the relative atom
  • Use getValue in order to get a readable value of a created Atom. The return type of getValue is a dynamic, so be sure to cast with the return type of the Atom you're reading from. That's because in a Selector it's possible to get the value of different Atom
final fooSelector = Selector(
  key: 'foo_selector_key',
  getValue: (getValue) {
    final value = getValue(fooAtom) as YourAtomType;
    // Manipulate your value
    return manipulatedValue;


  required String key,
  required this.getValue,
}) : super(key: key);