
flutter_react_native is a Flutter package that creates a function bridge between Flutter and React Native. Currently, it only supports logic.


Make sure your app is already integrated with Flutter and React Native, you can read how to integrate with Flutter here and React Native here.

Or you can see full example code here


To install flutter_react_native in your Flutter project, add the package from pub.dev to your pubspec.yaml file.

  flutter_react_native: ^latest_version

Then, run flutter packages get to install the package.

React Native

To install flutter_react_native in your React Native project, simply add the flutter-react-native npm package to your package.json file and import the reactModule from flutter-react-native.

import { reactModule } from 'flutter-react-native';


Flutter to React Native

React Native

To define a function, use the define method of the ReactModule object. The first argument is the name of the function, and the second argument is an asynchronous function that takes in parameters and returns a value if needed.

ReactModule.define("function name", async (params) => {
  // Logic here with return value if needed

It supports both synchronous and asynchronous functions.


To call a function defined in the React Native module from your Flutter project, use the call method of the FlutterReactNative object. The first argument is the name of the function, specified as the value of the method key. The second argument is an object containing the parameters to pass to the function, specified as the value of the params key. The third argument is a callback function that takes in a value and is called when the function returns a value.

  method: "function name",
  params: {"key": "value"},
  callback: (value) {
    // use return value from react module here

React Native to Flutter


To define a function, use the define method of the FlutterModule object. The first argument is the name of the function, and the second argument is an asynchronous function that takes in parameters and returns a value if needed.

FlutterModule.define("function name", (params) async {
  // Logic here with return value if needed

It supports both synchronous and asynchronous functions.

React Native

To call a function defined in the React Native module from your Flutter project, use the call method of the FlutterReactNative object. The first argument is the name of the function, specified as the value of the method key. The second argument is an object containing the parameters to pass to the function, specified as the value of the params key. The third argument is a callback function that takes in a value and is called when the function returns a value.

FlutterReactNative.call("function name", { "key": "value" }, (value) => {
    // use return value from flutter module here