Profile constructor

const Profile({
  1. String? uid,
  2. String? givenName,
  3. String? middleName,
  4. String? familyName,
  5. String? name,
  6. String? nickname,
  7. String? birthdate,
  8. String? profileURL,
  9. String? picture,
  10. String? externalId,
  11. List<String>? authTypes,
  12. LoginSummary? loginSummary,
  13. String? username,
  14. String? gender,
  15. String? email,
  16. bool? emailVerified,
  17. Emails? emails,
  18. String? phoneNumber,
  19. bool? phoneNumberVerified,
  20. List<ProfileAddress>? addresses,
  21. String? locale,
  22. String? bio,
  23. Map<String, Object?>? customFields,
  24. Map<String, Consent>? consents,
  25. String? createdAt,
  26. String? updatedAt,
  27. bool? liteOnly,
  28. String? company,

Profile default constructor


const factory Profile({
  /// The user id
  String? uid,

  /// The user given name
  String? givenName,

  /// The user middle name
  String? middleName,

  /// The user family name
  String? familyName,

  /// The user name
  String? name,

  /// The user nickname
  String? nickname,

  /// The user birthdate
  String? birthdate,

  /// The user profile url
  String? profileURL,

  /// The user picture
  String? picture,

  /// The user external id
  String? externalId,

  /// The user list of authentication types
  List<String>? authTypes,

  /// The user [LoginSummary]
  LoginSummary? loginSummary,

  /// The user username
  String? username,

  /// The user gender
  String? gender,

  /// The user email
  String? email,

  /// Used to check if an user [email] is verified or not
  bool? emailVerified,

  /// The user list of verified/unverified emails
  Emails? emails,

  /// The user phone number
  String? phoneNumber,

  /// Used to check if an user [phoneNumber] is verified or not
  bool? phoneNumberVerified,

  /// The user list of addresses
  List<ProfileAddress>? addresses,

  /// The user locale
  String? locale,

  /// The user bio
  String? bio,

  /// The custom fields linked to your user
  /// It must match the ones you have created in your reachFive console
  Map<String, Object?>? customFields,

  /// The user consents
  // TODO: find the consents we can put in here
  Map<String, Consent>? consents,

  /// The time the user's profile was created
  String? createdAt,

  /// The last time the user's profile was updated
  String? updatedAt,

  /// Used to know if the user profile is lite or not
  bool? liteOnly,

  /// The user company
  String? company,
}) = _Profile;