Random Color
A dart package for generating attractive random colors.
This is a Dart port of David Merfield randomColor Javascript utility
flutter_randomcolor: ^1.0.15
How to use
var options = Options(format: Format.hex, colorType: ColorType.green);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
You can pass an option to influence the type of color it produces. The options object accepts the following properties
colorType - This control the type of color to be generated. colortype is a enum data type of the following:- random
, monochrome
, red
, orange
, yellow
, green
, blue
, purple
, pink
. it either accept ColorType
data or List<ColorType>
for collection of specific colors
luminosity - This control the luminosity of the generated color. luminosity is a enum data type of the following:- random
, dark
, light
, bright
format - This control the format of the generated color, it tells the output format of the color. format is a enum data type of the following:- rgba
, rgb
, rgbArray
, hsla
, hex
, hsl
, hsva
, hsvArray
, hslArray
alpha - This control the opacity of the generated color, it is a decimal between 0
to 1
. it is only neccessary on rgba
, hsla
count - This control the length of the generated color. it is only neccessary when generating color that is greater than 1
// Return a single blue color in rgba format
Options options = Options(format: Format.rgba, colorType: ColorType.blue);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
/* Return a single color of type random, luminiosity random, format hex, alpha 1.0, and count is 1
i.e Options class has a default value of the following ColorType: random, Luminiosity:random, Format:hex, alpha:1.0
Options options = Options();
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
// Return an array of ten green colors in hex format
Options options = Options(format: Format.rgba, colorType: ColorType.blue, count:10);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
// Return a single color of light red in hsl format
Options options = Options(format: Format.hsl, colorType: ColorType.red, luminosity: Luminosity.light);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
// Return a bright color in rgb
Options options = Options(format: Format.rgb, luminosity: Luminosity.bright);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
// Return an array of 10 red and green colors in hex format
Options options = Options(format: Format.rgb, luminosity: Luminosity.bright, colorType: [ColorType.red, ColorType.green]);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
// Return a dark color with a specific alpha
Options options = Options(luminosity: Luminosity.dark, alpha: 0.3);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
// Return a light hsl color with a random alpha
Options options = Options(format: Format.hsla, luminosity: Luminosity.light);
var color = RandomColor.getColor(options);
Other languages
RandomColor is available in JavaScript, C#, C++, Go, Python, Swift, Objective-C, Java, R and Rust.