Flutter Radio Group pub package License: MIT Build Status

A Beautiful and Simple Radio Group widget for Flutter. It can be fully customized with label, titles, labelStyle, titleStyle, orientation, etc. It also maintains onChanged state.

Getting Started

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

flutter_radio_group: "^latest_version"

Import it:



Farmers Market Finder Demo

Usage Examples

var _listHorizontal = ["Horizontal 1", "Horizontal 2", "Horizontal 3"];
var _indexHorizontal = 0;

                 titles: _listHorizontal,
                 labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white38),
                 labelVisible: true,
                 label: "This is label radio",
                 activeColor: Colors.blue,
                 titleStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
                 defaultSelected: _indexHorizontal,
                 orientation: RGOrientation.HORIZONTAL,
                 onChanged: (index) {
                   setState(() {
                     _indexHorizontal = index;

Select Index Programmatically

var _key = GlobalKey<RadioGroupState>();

/// Update selected radio

                  titles: _listHorizontal,
                  labelStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white38),
                  labelVisible: true,
                  label: "This is label radio",
                  activeColor: Colors.blue,
                  titleStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
                  defaultSelected: _indexHorizontal,
                  orientation: RGOrientation.HORIZONTAL,
                  onChanged: (index) {
                    setState(() {
                      _indexHorizontal = index;


Set defaultSelected to -1 to empty selected radio group

Available Parameters

Param isRequired
RGOrientation orientation (RGOrientation.VERTICAL) No
List<String> titles Yes
TextStyle titleStyle No
String label No
TextStyle labelStyle No
int defaultSelected (0) No
bool labelVisible (true) No
Color activeColor (PrimaryColor) No
Function(int) onChanged No

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