options static method

ConverterOptions options({
  1. bool multiLineBlockquote = true,
  2. bool multiLineHeader = false,
  3. bool multiLineCodeblock = true,
  4. bool multiLineParagraph = false,
  5. bool multiLineCustomBlock = true,
  6. String docLineSpacingTag = 'line-height',
  7. CustomCssStylesFn? customCssStyles,
  8. OpAttributeSanitizerOptions? satitizerOptions,


static ConverterOptions options({
  bool multiLineBlockquote = true,
  bool multiLineHeader = false,
  bool multiLineCodeblock = true,
  bool multiLineParagraph = false,
  bool multiLineCustomBlock = true,
  String docLineSpacingTag = 'line-height',
  CustomCssStylesFn? customCssStyles,
  OpAttributeSanitizerOptions? satitizerOptions,
}) =>
        orderedListTag: 'ol',
        bulletListTag: 'ul',
        multiLineBlockquote: multiLineBlockquote,
        multiLineHeader: multiLineHeader,
        multiLineCodeblock: multiLineCodeblock,
        multiLineParagraph: multiLineParagraph,
        multiLineCustomBlock: multiLineCustomBlock,
        sanitizerOptions: satitizerOptions ??
            OpAttributeSanitizerOptions(allow8DigitHexColors: true),
        converterOptions: OpConverterOptions(
          customCssStyles: customCssStyles ??
              (DeltaInsertOp op) {
                ///Add custom attributes if are available to the image block (height, margin, width, alignment)
                if (op.isImage()) {
                  final OpAttributes attributes = op.attributes;
                  final String? attrs = attributes['style'];
                  // Fit images within restricted parent width.
                  return <String>[
                    'max-width: 100%',
                    'object-fit: ${Constant.DEFAULT_OBJECT_FIT}',
                    (attrs ?? '')
                return null;
          inlineStyles: InlineStyles(<String, InlineStyleType>{
            'font': InlineStyleType(
                fn: (String value, _) =>
                    defaultInlineFonts[value] ?? 'font-family: $value'),
            'size': InlineStyleType(fn: (String value, _) {
              //default sizes
              if (value.equals('small')) return 'font-size: 8px';
              if (value.equals('large')) return 'font-size: 15.5px';
              if (value.equals('huge')) return 'font-size: 19.5px';
              //accept any int or double type size
              return 'font-size: ${value}px';
            'indent': InlineStyleType(fn: (String value, DeltaInsertOp op) {
              final double indentSize =
                  (double.tryParse(value) ?? double.nan) * 3;
              final String side =
                  op.attributes['direction'] == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
              return 'padding-$side:${indentSize}px';
            'list': InlineStyleType(map: <String, String>{
              'checked': "list-style-type:'\\2611';padding-left: 0.5em;",
              'unchecked': "list-style-type:'\\2610';padding-left: 0.5em;",
          inlineStylesFlag: true,