StringExtension extension



convertHTMLToMarkdown String
A simple inline style html to markdown converter
no setter
convertUTF8QuotesToValidString String
Since vsc_quill_delta_to_html encode the text with UTF8, don't decode at the output, this function solve this
no setter
convertWrongInlineStylesToSpans String
Since our default delta to html can create inline styles like bold</strong Instead bold We decide create a converter that fix this minimal bug
no setter
decodeSymbols String
no setter
encodeSymbols String
Encode the markdown inline styles (**,*,_) to another tags types, to avoid detection by the compiler word, it will be detected as underline instead a symbol, a put the underline style (the user couldn't want this)
no setter
fixCommonErrorInsertsInRawDelta String
Used to solved common errors in raw delta strings, since we don't used delta literals
no setter
isTotallyEmpty bool
no setter
recovertUTF8QuotesToHumanStringChars String
no setter
replaceHtmlBrToManyNewLines String
no setter
splitBasedNewLine List<String>
no setter
withBrackets String
no setter


equals(String other, {bool caseSensitive = true, Pattern? pattern, bool useThisInstead = false}) bool
replaceAllNewLinesWith(Object object) String