getWebElementAttributes function

(String, String, String, String) getWebElementAttributes(
  1. Node node

Prefer the width, and height from the css style attribute if exits it can be auto or 100px so it's specific to HTML && CSS if not, we will use the one from attributes which is usually just an double


  String height,
  String width,
  String margin,
  String alignment,
) getWebElementAttributes(
  Node node,
) {
  var height = 'auto';
  var width = 'auto';
  // TODO(): Add support for margin and alignment
  var margin = 'auto';
  const alignment = 'center';

  final cssStyle =['style'];

  final heightValue =[Attribute.height.key]?.value;
  final widthValue =[Attribute.width.key]?.value;

  if (cssStyle != null) {
    final attrs = parseCssString(cssStyle.value.toString());

    final cssHeightValue = attrs[Attribute.height.key];

    if (cssHeightValue != null) {
      height = cssHeightValue;
    } else {
      height = '${heightValue}px';
    final cssWidthValue = attrs[Attribute.width.key];
    if (cssWidthValue != null) {
      width = cssWidthValue;
    } else if (widthValue != null) {
      width = '${widthValue}px';

    final cssMarginValue = attrs['margin'];
    if (cssMarginValue != null) {
      margin = cssMarginValue;

    return (height, width, margin, alignment);

  if (heightValue != null) {
    height = '${heightValue}px';
  if (widthValue != null) {
    width = '${widthValue}px';

  return (height, width, margin, alignment);