build method

  1. @override
Widget build(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. QuillController controller,
  3. Embed node,
  4. bool readOnly,
  5. bool inline,
  6. TextStyle textStyle,


Widget build(
  BuildContext context,
  QuillController controller,
  Embed node,
  bool readOnly,
  bool inline,
  TextStyle textStyle,
) {
  throw UnsupportedError(
    'The formula EmbedBuilder is not supported for now.',
  // assert(!kIsWeb, 'Please provide formula EmbedBuilder for Web');

  // final mathController = MathFieldEditingController();
  // return Focus(
  //   onFocusChange: (hasFocus) {
  //     if (hasFocus) {
  //       // If the MathField is tapped, hides the built in keyboard
  //       SystemChannels.textInput.invokeMethod('TextInput.hide');
  //       debugPrint(mathController.currentEditingValue());
  //     }
  //   },
  //   child: MathField(
  //     controller: mathController,
  //     variables: const ['x', 'y', 'z'],
  //     onChanged: (value) {},
  //     onSubmitted: (value) {},
  //   ),
  // );