parseToIndent function

int parseToIndent(
  1. String value

Converts a CSS padding-left || 'padding-right' value to a standardized indentation level.

The method supports various units such as px, pt, pc, em, rem, and %. The conversion is based on the following assumptions:

  • 16px equals 1 indentation level
  • 12pt equals 1 indentation level
  • 1pc equals 1 indentation level
  • 1em or 1rem equals 1 indentation level
  • 100% equals 1 indentation level

If the unit is not recognized, the indentation level defaults to 0.

value The CSS padding-left value as a string (e.g., "32px", "2em").

Returns the corresponding indentation level as an integer.


int parseToIndent(String value) {
  // Extract numeric part from the value and parse it to double
  double indentValue =
      double.tryParse(value.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^\d.]'), '')) ?? 0;

  // Extract the unit part from the value
  String unit = value.replaceAll(RegExp(r'[\d.]'), '').trim();

  // Convert the value to an indentation level based on the unit
  switch (unit) {
    case 'px':
      indentValue /= 16; // Assume 16px = 1 indent level
    case 'pt':
      indentValue /= 12; // Assume 12pt = 1 indent level
    case 'pc':
      indentValue *= 1; // 1pc = 1 indent level
    case 'em':
    case 'rem':
      indentValue *= 1; // 1em or 1rem = 1 indent level
    case '%':
      indentValue /= 100; // Assume 100% = 1 indent level
      indentValue = 0; // If unit is not recognized, set indent level to 0
  // Round to the nearest whole number for the indent level
  int indentLevel = indentValue.round();
  return indentLevel < 1
      ? 0
      : indentLevel > 5
          ? 5
          : indentLevel;