rgbaToHex function

String rgbaToHex(
  1. String rgba

Parses an RGBA color string to a valid hexadecimal color string.

Converts the RGBA color format string rgba (e.g., 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)') to its hexadecimal representation.


  • rgba: The RGBA color string to convert to hexadecimal format.

Returns: The converted color string in hexadecimal format.


print(rgbaToHex('rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)')); // Output: #ff000080


String rgbaToHex(String rgba) {
  rgba = rgba.replaceAll('rgba(', '').replaceAll(')', '');
  List<String> rgbaValues = rgba.split(',');
  int r = int.parse(rgbaValues[0].trim());
  int g = int.parse(rgbaValues[1].trim());
  int b = int.parse(rgbaValues[2].trim());
  double a = double.parse(rgbaValues[3].trim());
  int alpha = (a * 255).round();
  return _toHex(r, g, b, alpha);