convert method

Delta convert(
  1. String htmlText

Converts an HTML string into Delta operations.

Converts the HTML string htmlText into Delta operations using QuillJS-compatible attributes. Custom blocks can be applied based on registered customBlocks.


  • htmlText: The HTML string to convert into Delta operations.

Returns: A Delta object representing the formatted content from HTML.


final delta = converter.convert('<p>Hello <strong>world</strong></p>');
print(delta.toJson()); // Output: [{"insert":"Hello "},{"insert":"world","attributes":{"bold":true}},{"insert":"\n"}]


Delta convert(String htmlText) {
  final parsedText = htmlText
        (e) => e.trimLeft(),
  final Delta delta = Delta();
  final dom.Document $document = dparser.parse(replaceNormalNewLinesToBr
      ? parsedText.transformNewLinesToBrTag
      : parsedText);
  final dom.Element? $body = $document.body;
  final dom.Element? $html = $document.documentElement;

  // Determine nodes to process: <body>, <html>, or document nodes if neither is present
  final List<dom.Node> nodesToProcess =
      $body?.nodes ?? $html?.nodes ?? $document.nodes;

  for (int i = 0; i < nodesToProcess.length; i++) {
    var node = nodesToProcess[i];
    //first just verify if the customBlocks aren't empty and then store on them to
    //validate if one of them make match with the current Node
    if (customBlocks != null &&
        customBlocks!.isNotEmpty &&
        node is dom.Element) {
      for (var customBlock in customBlocks!) {
        if (customBlock.matches(node)) {
          final operations = customBlock.convert(node);
          operations.forEach((Operation op) {
            delta.insert(, op.attributes);
    final nextNode = nodesToProcess.elementAtOrNull(i + 1);
    final nextIsBlock = nextNode is dom.Element ? nextNode.isBlock : false;
    final List<Operation> operations =
        nodeToOperation(node, htmlToOp, nextIsBlock);
    if (operations.isNotEmpty) {
      for (final op in operations) {
        delta.insert(, op.attributes);
  //ensure insert a new line at the final to avoid any conflict with assertions
  final lastOpdata = delta.last;
  final bool lastDataIsNotNewLine = != '\n';
  final bool hasAttributes = lastOpdata.attributes != null;
  if (lastDataIsNotNewLine && hasAttributes ||
      lastDataIsNotNewLine ||
      !lastDataIsNotNewLine && hasAttributes) {
  return delta;