QuillController class



QuillController({required Document document, required TextSelection selection, QuillControllerConfigurations configurations = const QuillControllerConfigurations(), bool keepStyleOnNewLine = true, ReplaceTextCallback? onReplaceText, DeleteCallback? onDelete, void onSelectionCompleted()?, void onSelectionChanged(TextSelection textSelection)?, bool readOnly = false, FocusNode? editorFocusNode})
QuillController.basic({QuillControllerConfigurations configurations = const QuillControllerConfigurations(), FocusNode? editorFocusNode})


changes Stream<DocChange>
no setter
configurations QuillControllerConfigurations
copiedImageUrl ImageUrl?
getter/setter pair
document Document
getter/setter pair
editorFocusNode FocusNode?
Used to give focus to the editor following a toolbar action
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
hasRedo bool
no setter
hasUndo bool
no setter
ignoreFocusOnTextChange bool
getter/setter pair
keepStyleOnNewLine bool
Tells whether to keep or reset the toggledStyle when user adds a new line.
onDelete DeleteCallback?
Custom delete handler
getter/setter pair
onReplaceText ReplaceTextCallback?
Custom replaceText handler Return false to ignore the event
getter/setter pair
onSelectionChanged ↔ void Function(TextSelection textSelection)?
getter/setter pair
onSelectionCompleted ↔ void Function()?
getter/setter pair
pastePlainText String
no setter
pasteStyleAndEmbed List<OffsetValue>
no setter
plainTextEditingValue TextEditingValue
no setter
readOnly bool
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selection TextSelection
Currently selected text within the document.
no setter
skipRequestKeyboard bool
Skip requestKeyboard being called in RawEditorState#_didChangeTextEditingValue
getter/setter pair
toggledStyle Style
Store any styles attribute that got toggled by the tap of a button and that has not been applied yet. It gets reset after each format action within the document.
getter/setter pair
toolbarButtonToggler Map<String, Attribute>
getter/setter pair


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
clear() → void
clear editor
clipboardPaste({void updateEditor()?}) Future<bool>
Returns whether paste operation was handled here. updateEditor is called if paste operation was successful.
clipboardSelection(bool copy) bool
compose(Delta delta, TextSelection textSelection, ChangeSource source) → void
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
formatSelection(Attribute? attribute, {bool shouldNotifyListeners = true}) → void
formatText(int index, int len, Attribute? attribute, {bool shouldNotifyListeners = true}) → void
formatTextStyle(int index, int len, Style style) → void
getAllIndividualSelectionStylesAndEmbed() List<OffsetValue>
Returns all styles and Embed for each node within selection
getAllSelectionStyles() List<Style>
Returns all styles for any character within the specified text range.
getPlainText() String
Returns plain text for each node within selection
getSelectionStyle() Style
Only attributes applied to all characters within this range are included in the result.
handleDelete(int cursorPosition, bool forward) → void
Called in two cases: forward == false && textBefore.isEmpty forward == true && textAfter.isEmpty Android only see https://github.com/singerdmx/flutter-quill/discussions/514
indentSelection(bool isIncrease) → void
moveCursorToEnd() → void
moveCursorToPosition(int position) → void
moveCursorToStart() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
queryNode(int offset) Leaf?
Given offset, find its leaf node in document
redo() → void
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
replaceText(int index, int len, Object? data, TextSelection? textSelection, {bool ignoreFocus = false, bool shouldNotifyListeners = true}) → void
replaceTextWithEmbeds(int index, int len, String insertedText, TextSelection? textSelection, {bool ignoreFocus = false, bool shouldNotifyListeners = true}) → void
setContents(Delta delta, {ChangeSource changeSource = ChangeSource.local}) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
undo() → void
updateSelection(TextSelection textSelection, ChangeSource source) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.