retain method

  1. @override
void retain(
  1. int index,
  2. int? len,
  3. Style? style


void retain(int index, int? len, Style? style) {
  if (style == null) {
  final length = this.length;

  final local = math.min(length - index, len!);
  // If index is at newline character then this is a line/block style update.
  final isLineFormat = (index + local == length) && local == 1;

  if (isLineFormat) {
        style.values.every((attr) =>
            attr.scope == AttributeScope.block ||
            attr.scope == AttributeScope.ignore),
        'It is not allowed to apply inline attributes to line itself.');
  } else {
    // Otherwise forward to children as it's an inline format update.
    assert(style.values.every((attr) =>
        attr.scope == AttributeScope.inline ||
        attr.scope == AttributeScope.ignore));
    assert(index + local != length);
    super.retain(index, local, style);

  final remain = len - local;
  if (remain > 0) {
    assert(nextLine != null);
    nextLine!.retain(0, remain, style);