applyRule method
Applies heuristic rule to an operation on a document
and returns
resulting Delta.
Delta? applyRule(Delta document, int index,
{int? len, Object? data, Attribute? attribute}) {
if (data is! String || !data.contains('\n')) {
// Only interested in text containing at least one newline character.
return null;
final itr = DeltaIterator(document)..skip(index);
// Look for the next newline.
final nextNewLine = _getNextNewLine(itr);
final lineStyle =
Style.fromJson(nextNewLine.item1?.attributes ?? <String, dynamic>{});
final blockStyle = lineStyle.getBlocksExceptHeader();
// Are we currently in a block? If not then ignore.
if (blockStyle.isEmpty) {
return null;
final resetStyle = <String, dynamic>{};
// If current line had heading style applied to it we'll need to move this
// style to the newly inserted line before it and reset style of the
// original line.
if (lineStyle.containsKey(Attribute.header.key)) {
// Go over each inserted line and ensure block style is applied.
final lines = data.split('\n');
final delta = Delta()..retain(index + (len ?? 0));
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
final line = lines[i];
if (line.isNotEmpty) {
if (i == 0) {
// The first line should inherit the lineStyle entirely.
delta.insert('\n', lineStyle.toJson());
} else if (i < lines.length - 1) {
// we don't want to insert a newline after the last chunk of text, so -1
final blockAttributes = blockStyle.isEmpty
? null
:<String, dynamic>((_, attribute) =>
MapEntry<String, dynamic>(attribute.key, attribute.value));
delta.insert('\n', blockAttributes);
// Reset style of the original newline character if needed.
if (resetStyle.isNotEmpty) {
..retain((nextNewLine.item1!.data as String).indexOf('\n'))
..retain(1, resetStyle);
return delta;