getFirstCustomRecordingFrame method

Future<File> getFirstCustomRecordingFrame()


Future<File> getFirstCustomRecordingFrame() async {
  final List<Uint8List> frames = _customRecorderSubject.value;

  if (frames.isEmpty) {
    throw Exception('No custom recordings available to create a PNG.');

  debugPrint('Number of frames: ${frames.length}');

  // Create a temporary directory to store the frame
  final directory = await getTemporaryDirectory();
  final String tempDirPath = '${directory.path}/temp_frames';
  await Directory(tempDirPath).create(recursive: true);
  debugPrint('Temporary directory created: $tempDirPath');

  // Write the first frame to a temporary file
  final File frameFile = File('$tempDirPath/frame_0.png');
  await frameFile.writeAsBytes(frames[0]);
  debugPrint('Wrote first frame');

  return frameFile;