Flutter PyTorch Lite

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PyTorch Lite plugin for Flutter.

End-to-end workflow from Training to Deployment for iOS and Android mobile devices.

PyTorch Mobile

There is a growing need to execute ML models on edge devices to reduce latency, preserve privacy, and enable new interactive use cases.

The PyTorch Mobile runtime beta release allows you to seamlessly go from training a model to deploying it, while staying entirely within the PyTorch ecosystem. It provides an end-to-end workflow that simplifies the research to production environment for mobile devices. In addition, it paves the way for privacy-preserving features via federated learning techniques.

PyTorch Mobile is in beta stage right now, and is already in wide scale production use. It will soon be available as a stable release once the APIs are locked down.


A simple image classification application that demonstrates how to use the flutter_pytorch_lite plugin.

Flutter PyTorch Lite Example

Getting Started


  • Android

    • minSdkVersion 21
  • iOS

    • XCode 11.0 or above
    • iOS 12.0 or above

Usage instructions


In the dependency section of pubspec.yaml file, add flutter_pytorch_lite (adjust the version accordingly based on the latest release)

  flutter_pytorch_lite: ^0.1.0+1


      url: https://github.com/winfordguo/flutter_pytorch_lite.git


import 'package:flutter_pytorch_lite/flutter_pytorch_lite.dart';


  • Export PyTorch Module to TorchScript for PyTorch Mobile

    Use torch.utils.mobile_optimizer

    import torch
    from torch.utils.mobile_optimizer import optimize_for_mobile
    model = torch.load("your_model.pt", map_location="cpu") # load
    ts = torch.jit.trace(model) # TorchScript


    Use yolov5 export.py

    git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5  # clone
    cd yolov5
    pip install -r requirements.txt  # install
    python export.py --weights yolov5s.pt --include torchscript --optimize
    mv yolov5s.torchscript yolov5s.ptl
  • From path

    Module module = await FlutterPytorchLite.load('/path/to/your_model.ptl');
  • From asset

    Place your_model.ptl in assets directory. Make sure to include assets in pubspec.yaml.

    final filePath = '${Directory.systemTemp.path}/your_model.ptl';
    File(filePath).writeAsBytesSync(await _getBuffer('assets/your_model.ptl'));
    Module module = await FlutterPytorchLite.load(filePath);
    /// Get byte buffer
    static Future<Uint8List> _getBuffer(String assetFileName) async {
      ByteData rawAssetFile = await rootBundle.load(assetFileName);
      final rawBytes = rawAssetFile.buffer.asUint8List();
      return rawBytes;


  • For single input and output

    Use Module's method Future<IValue> forward(List<IValue> inputs).

    // For ex: if input tensor shape [1,5] and type is float32
    final inputShape = Int64List.fromList([1, 5]);
    var input = [1.23, 6.54, 7.81, 3.21, 2.22];
    Tensor inputTensor = Tensor.fromBlobFloat32(input, inputShape);
    // forward
    IValue input = IValue.from(inputTensor);
    IValue output = await module.forward([input]);
    Tensor outputTensor = output.toTensor();
    // Get output tensor: if output tensor type is float32
    final outputShape = outputTensor.shape;
    var output = outputTensor.dataAsFloat32List;
    // print the output
  • For image input

    Use Module's method Future<IValue> forward(List<IValue> inputs).

    const assetImage = AssetImage('assets/images/image.png');
    final image = await TensorImageUtils.imageProviderToImage(assetImage);
    // For ex: yolov5.ptl input shape [1, 3, 640, 640]
    final inputShape = Int64List.fromList([1, 3, 640, 640]);
    // For ex: yolov5-cls.ptl input shape [1, 3, 224, 224]
    // final inputShape = Int64List.fromList([1, 3, 224, 224]);
    Tensor inputTensor = await TensorImageUtils.imageToFloat32Tensor(
      image, // image type is dart:ui.Image
      width: inputShape[3],
      height: inputShape[2],
    // forward
    IValue input = IValue.from(inputTensor);
    IValue output = await module.forward([input]);
    Tensor outputTensor = output.toTuple().first.toTensor(); // For ex: yolov5 object detection
    // Tensor outputTensor = output.toTensor(); // For ex: yolov5 classification
    // Get output tensor as float32 type
    final outputShape = outputTensor.shape;
    var output = outputTensor.dataAsFloat32List;
    // print the output


  • Destroy the model
    await module.destroy();



  • For inputShape 1, 3, 224, 224
    // 1*channels*height*width
    Int64List inputShape = Int64List.fromList([1, 3, 224, 224]);
    Tensor tensor = await TensorImageUtils.imageToFloat32Tensor(
      image, // image type is dart:ui.Image
      width: inputShape[3],
      height: inputShape[2],
      // memoryFormat: MemoryFormat.contiguous, // default
  • For inputShape 1, 224, 224, 3
    // 1*height*width*channels
    Int64List inputShape = Int64List.fromList([1, 224, 224, 3]);
    Tensor tensor = await TensorImageUtils.imageToFloat32Tensor(
      image, // image type is dart:ui.Image
      width: inputShape[2],
      height: inputShape[1],
      memoryFormat: MemoryFormat.channelsLast,
  • For AssetImage
    const assetImage = AssetImage('assets/images/image.png');
    final image = await TensorImageUtils.imageProviderToImage(assetImage);
    // print the image width and height
    print('width: ${image.width}, height: ${image.height}');
  • For NetworkImage
    const networkImage = NetworkImage('https://example.com/image.png');
    final image = await TensorImageUtils.imageProviderToImage(networkImage);
    // print the image width and height
    print('width: ${image.width}, height: ${image.height}');



  • Q: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugNativeLibs'

    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugNativeLibs'.
    > A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.Workers$ActionFacade
       > More than one file was found with OS independent path 'lib/x86/libc++_shared.so'

    A: add this to your app/build.gradle

    android {
       // your existing code
       packagingOptions {
           pickFirst '**/libc++_shared.so'
  • Q: What is the version of PyTorch Lite?


    • org.pytorch:pytorch_android_lite:1.13.1
    • org.pytorch:pytorch_android_torchvision_lite:1.13.1


  • Q: What is the version of PyTorch Lite?

    A: 'LibTorch-Lite', '~>'