checkCondition method

dynamic checkCondition(
  1. int userRequestedValue,
  2. Function validator,
  3. TextEditingController controller,
  4. String key,
  5. dynamic oldValue,

Checks condition new value and passed validator, sets that in map and return new value;


dynamic checkCondition(int userRequestedValue, Function validator,
    TextEditingController controller, String key, dynamic oldValue) {
  dynamic newValue;

  /// If the userRequested Value is grater than 0 that means user select them and we have to check new value;
  if (userRequestedValue > 0) {
    newValue = validator(controller.text, userRequestedValue);
  } else
    newValue = null;

  if (newValue == null)
    return null;
  else if (newValue != oldValue) {
    _selectedCondition![key] = newValue;
    return newValue;
  } else
    return oldValue;