checkCondition method
- int userRequestedValue,
- Function validator,
- TextEditingController controller,
- String key,
- dynamic oldValue,
Checks condition new value and passed validator, sets that in map and return new value;
dynamic checkCondition(int userRequestedValue, Function validator,
TextEditingController controller, String key, dynamic oldValue) {
dynamic newValue;
/// If the userRequested Value is grater than 0 that means user select them and we have to check new value;
if (userRequestedValue > 0) {
newValue = validator(controller.text, userRequestedValue);
} else
newValue = null;
if (newValue == null)
return null;
else if (newValue != oldValue) {
_selectedCondition![key] = newValue;
return newValue;
} else
return oldValue;