checkForUpdatesFromAppStore static method

Future<UpdateData> checkForUpdatesFromAppStore({
  1. bool trackPhasedRelease = true,
  2. bool notifyOnce = false,

Checks App Store for application updates.

Uses application Bundle ID, to check for updates. trackPhasedRelease - Indicates whether it should notify about a new version after 7 days when app is fully rolled out or immediately. Defaults to true. notifyOnce - Determines if the app should be notified for a new update only once. Defaults to false. Throws if invoked from a platform other than iOS. Throws if it does not manage to check for updates.


static Future<UpdateData> checkForUpdatesFromAppStore({
  bool trackPhasedRelease = true,
  bool notifyOnce = false,
}) async {
  if (!Platform.isIOS) {
    throw UnsupportedError('This method is only supported on iOS.');

  final data = await _channel.invokeMethod(
  ) as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;

  return UpdateData._fromMap(data);