syncRequest abstract method

Future<SyncResult> syncRequest(
  1. String installId,
  2. String email, {
  3. String apiKey,

Request of synchronisation to update the installation activated features.

This method is asynchronous and executes server side. This method is called to bring back all the acquired tokens for the installation regardless of the account use to acquire them, and to get the status of the account to which the installation is connected. Save the tokens somewhere so no more call is needed to unblock old acquired features. If the installation is linked to the account, this method returns a link to access directly the website logged in. The link must be saved somewhere to be always accessible while connected to this account.

installId is the installation identifier created by createInstallId email is the address to which the installation is connected apiKey is optional for testing but required for premium usage plan for production (ask PremiumPay Support)

Returns SyncStatus.INSTALLATION_NOT_LINKED in SyncResult.status if the installation is not linked to the account. Returns SyncStatus.INSTALLATION_LINKED in SyncResult.status if the installation has been linked to the account, and a link in SyncResult.permanentLink to access directly the website logged in. In all cases, the installation acquired tokens list is returned in SyncResult.tokens.


Future<SyncResult> syncRequest(String installId, String email,
    {String apiKey});