internalPodNotifier<N extends Pod, T> function

PodNotifier<N, T> internalPodNotifier<N extends Pod, T>(
  1. N notifier,
  2. T create(
    1. Ref<T> ref,
    2. N notifier

Create a Pod that is linked to a notifier Pod.

Can be used to tie a state to the thing that generates it.

I.e the notifier could be a ValueNotifier<T> and the child would be the value it emits, of type T. It would be represented by PodNotifier<Pod<ValueNotifier<T>>, T>.


PodNotifier<N, T> internalPodNotifier<N extends Pod<dynamic>, T>(
  N notifier,
  T Function(Ref<T> ref, N notifier) create,
) =>
    PodNotifier(notifier, create);