Flutter Pluggy Connect SDK (Beta)

Flutter bindings for our Pluggy Connect widget.


dart pub add flutter_pluggy_connect

Additional Android setup

  • Update the minSdkVersion to 17 if it is <= 16 in android/app/build.gradle:
defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 17
  • Add the following permission in your AndroidManifest.xml if you don't have it:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Basic Usage

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_pluggy_connect/flutter_pluggy_connect.dart';

void main() {
        home: Scaffold(
            body: PluggyConnect(connectToken: '<connect token>'))),
  • A full working example is available in the example folder.


The available configuration parameters are the following:

Parameter Description Required? Type Default
connectToken Your Pluggy Connect token, which will be used to access the API. String N/A
includeSandbox Whether to display Sandbox connectors in the Connector selection step (not intended for production use) bool false
updateItem Item id to update. If specified, the modal will display directly the credentials form of the item to be updated. String N/A
connectorTypes List of Connector Types. If defined, only Connectors of the specified connector types will be listed. List<String> N/A
connectorIds List of Connector IDs. If defined, only Connectors of the specified connector IDs will be listed. List<int> N/A
countries List of country codes (ISO-3166-1 alpha 2 format). If defined, only Connectors of the specified countries will be listed. List<String> N/A
language Language ISO String (2-letter) used to display the widget. If not specified, or if the selected language is not supported, the default 'pt' will be used. String Browser language
onSuccess Function to execute when an Item has been created/updated successfully. void Function(dynamic data) No op
onError Function to execute on a general error loading the widget, or when an Item creation/update status has not been successful. void Function(dynamic error) No op
onOpen Function to execute when the widget modal has been opened. VoidCallback No op
onClose Function to execute when the widget modal has been closed. VoidCallback No op
onEvent Function to execute to handle custom user interaction events. See the docs for more info. Since v2.0.0:
void Function(dynamic payload)
Until 1.x:
void Function(String event, dynamic metadata)
No op
selectedConnectorId If defined and connector is present, after accepting terms, it'll navigate to Connector login form directly, skipping selection step. int N/A

See our official Pluggy Connect widget documentation for more detailed information.