authenticate method
Performs Digest authentication given a SIP request and the challenge received in a response to that request. Returns true if auth was successfully generated, false otherwise.
bool authenticate(SipMethod method, Challenge challenge,
[dynamic ruri, String? cnonce, String? body]) {
_algorithm = challenge.algorithm;
_realm = challenge.realm;
_nonce = challenge.nonce;
_opaque = challenge.opaque;
_stale = challenge.stale;
if (_algorithm != null) {
if (_algorithm != 'MD5') {
'authenticate() | challenge with Digest algorithm different than "MD5", authentication aborted');
return false;
} else {
_algorithm = 'MD5';
if (_nonce == null) {
'authenticate() | challenge without Digest nonce, authentication aborted');
return false;
if (_realm == null) {
'authenticate() | challenge without Digest realm, authentication aborted');
return false;
// If no plain SIP password is provided.
if (_credentials.password == null) {
// If ha1 is not provided we cannot authenticate.
if (_credentials.ha1 == null) {
'authenticate() | no plain SIP password nor ha1 provided, authentication aborted');
return false;
// If the realm does not match the stored realm we cannot authenticate.
if (_credentials.realm != _realm) {
'authenticate() | no plain SIP password, and stored "realm" does not match the given "realm", cannot authenticate [stored:"${_credentials.realm}", given:"$_realm"]');
return false;
// 'qop' can contain a list of values (Array). Let's choose just one.
if (challenge.qop != null && challenge.qop.isNotEmpty) {
if (challenge.qop.indexOf('auth-int') > -1) {
_qop = 'auth-int';
} else if (challenge.qop.indexOf('auth') > -1) {
_qop = 'auth';
} else {
// Otherwise 'qop' is present but does not contain 'auth' or 'auth-int', so abort here.
'authenticate() | challenge without Digest qop different than "auth" or "auth-int", authentication aborted');
return false;
} else {
_qop = null;
// Fill other attributes.
_method = method;
_uri = ruri ?? '';
_cnonce = cnonce ?? utils.createRandomToken(12);
_nc += 1;
String hex = _nc.toRadixString(16);
_ncHex = '00000000'.substring(0, 8 - hex.length) + hex;
// Nc-value = 8LHEX. Max value = 'FFFFFFFF'.
if (_nc == 4294967296) {
_nc = 1;
_ncHex = '00000001';
// Calculate the Digest "response" value.
// If we have plain SIP password then regenerate ha1.
if (_credentials.password != null) {
// HA1 = MD5(A1) = MD5(username:realm:password).
_ha1 = utils.calculateMD5(
// Otherwise reuse the stored ha1.
else {
_ha1 = _credentials.ha1;
String a2;
String ha2;
if (_qop == 'auth') {
// HA2 = MD5(A2) = MD5(method:digestURI).
a2 = '${SipMethodHelper.getName(_method)}:$_uri';
ha2 = utils.calculateMD5(a2);
logger.debug('authenticate() | using qop=auth [a2:$a2]');
// Response = MD5(HA1:nonce:nonceCount:credentialsNonce:qop:HA2).
_response =
} else if (_qop == 'auth-int') {
// HA2 = MD5(A2) = MD5(method:digestURI:MD5(entityBody)).
a2 =
'${SipMethodHelper.getName(_method)}:$_uri:${utils.calculateMD5(body ?? '')}';
ha2 = utils.calculateMD5(a2);
logger.debug('authenticate() | using qop=auth-int [a2:$a2]');
// Response = MD5(HA1:nonce:nonceCount:credentialsNonce:qop:HA2).
_response =
} else if (_qop == null) {
// HA2 = MD5(A2) = MD5(method:digestURI).
a2 = '${SipMethodHelper.getName(_method)}:$_uri';
ha2 = utils.calculateMD5(a2);
logger.debug('authenticate() | using qop=null [a2:$a2]');
// Response = MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2).
_response = utils.calculateMD5('$_ha1:$_nonce:$ha2');
logger.debug('authenticate() | response generated');
return true;