buildAnimation method

void buildAnimation({
  1. required Duration delay,
  2. required bool animate,
  3. required bool manualTrigger,
  4. required bool infinite,
  5. Function? onFinish,
  6. dynamic controllerCallback(
    1. AnimationController controller

Builds and controls the animation based on the provided parameters.

This method handles:

  • Delayed animation start
  • Infinite animation loops
  • Animation reversal
  • Manual animation control


  • delay: Duration to wait before starting the animation
  • animate: Whether the animation should start automatically
  • manualTrigger: Whether animation requires manual triggering
  • infinite: Whether animation should loop infinitely
  • onFinish: Callback function when animation completes
  • controllerCallback: Callback to access the animation controller


void buildAnimation({
  required Duration delay,
  required bool animate,
  required bool manualTrigger,
  required bool infinite,
  Function? onFinish,
  Function(AnimationController controller)? controllerCallback,
}) {
  /// Launch the animation ASAP or wait until needed
  print("animate: $animate");

  if (animate && !manualTrigger) {
    // controller.value = 0;

    Future.delayed(delay, () {
      if (disposed) return;
      if (infinite) {

      (animate) ? controller.forward() : controller.reverse();

  /// If the animation already happen, we can animate it back
  if (!animate) {
    if (disposed) return;
    if (infinite) {

    // If the animation is finished, we need to reset the animation to the original state
    // after the animation is finished just for the following classes:
    if (resetAnimationClasses.contains(this.runtimeType) && !isFirstTime) {
      controller.value = 0;

    isFirstTime = false;