forwardSearch method

Future<List<PhotonFeature>> forwardSearch(
  1. String searchText, {
  2. int? limit,
  3. double? latitude,
  4. double? longitude,
  5. String? langCode,
  6. PhotonBoundingBox? boundingBox,
  7. PhotonLayer? layer,
  8. Map<String, String>? additionalQuery,
  9. bool secure = true,

Does a forward search with the given searchText.

Results can be prioritized around a certain latitude and longitude or inside a certain boundingBox.

The langCode is an ISO-639-1 language code. Supported languages are EN, DE, FR, IT. When no langCode is given, the default language is the main language at the result's location.

Use layer to filter by a certain layer, see Photon documentation for this.

You can specify your own query parameters in the additionalQuery map, for example for filtering by OSM tags and values

If secure is set to false, requests will be performed via HTTP, otherweise HTTPS is used (default).

Throws an exception if the API response has a status code different than 200.


Future<List<PhotonFeature>> forwardSearch(String searchText,
    {int? limit,
    double? latitude,
    double? longitude,
    String? langCode,
    PhotonBoundingBox? boundingBox,
    PhotonLayer? layer,
    Map<String, String>? additionalQuery,
    bool secure = true}) async {
  var initialQueryParams = {'q': searchText};
  if (boundingBox != null) {
    initialQueryParams['bbox'] = boundingBox.buildRequestString();
  final queryParams = _buildQueryParams(
      init: initialQueryParams,
      limit: limit,
      latitude: latitude,
      longitude: longitude,
      langCode: langCode,
      layer: layer,
      additionalQuery: additionalQuery);

  final uri = secure
      ? Uri.https(
          _baseUri.authority, _baseUri.path + _forwardEndpoint, queryParams)
      : Uri.http(
          _baseUri.authority, _baseUri.path + _forwardEndpoint, queryParams);
  final res = await http.get(uri);

  return _handleResponse(res);