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This Flutter plugin allows you to track and manage phone call states on Android and iOS devices. It helps you monitor the current state of a call (incoming, outgoing, accepted, or ended) and provides real-time updates.


  • Detects the current phone call status (incoming, answered, or ended).
  • Supports both Android and iOS platforms.
  • Provides real-time call state updates.
  • Simple and easy-to-use API.

Native Integration


  • In the iOS simulator doesn't work
  • The phone number is only obtainable on Android!



    sdk: flutter
  flutter_phone_call_state: 0.0.4

android Permissions

Android: Added permission on manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG" />

Warning: Adding READ_CALL_LOG permission, your app will be removed from the Play Store if you don't have a valid reason to use it. Read more. But if you don't add it, you will not be able to know caller's number.


Get stream Phone Call State

final _phoneCallStatePlugin = PhoneCallState.instance;
void subscriptionPhoneCallStateChange() async {
        (event) {
        case CallState.end:
        // TODO: Handle this case.
        case CallState.outgoing:
        // TODO: Handle this case.
        case CallState.outgoingAccept:
        // TODO: Handle this case.
        case CallState.incoming:
        // TODO: Handle this case.
        // TODO: Handle this case.
        case CallState.none:
        // TODO: Handle this case.


Available Call States:

The CallState enum represents various states during a phone call. Each state describes a specific point during the lifecycle of a call. Below are the possible call states:

  • CallState.end:
    The call has ended. This occurs when the call is either disconnected by the caller or the recipient.

  • CallState.outgoing:
    The call is in the process of being dialed (outgoing call). This state is active right after the user initiates the call but before the recipient has answered.

  • CallState.outgoingAccept:
    The outgoing call has been accepted by the recipient. This state indicates that the recipient has answered the call and the conversation is now live.

  • CallState.incoming:
    An incoming call is being received. The device is receiving the call, but the user has not answered it yet. This state is active when the phone is ringing.

    The incoming call has been accepted. This state is triggered once the incoming call is answered by the user, and the conversation is ongoing.

  • CallState.none:
    The call state is unknown or undefined. This state is used when the call state cannot be determined or is not applicable.

These states help you track the progress of a phone call, allowing you to respond accordingly within your Flutter application.

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  final _phoneCallStatePlugin = PhoneCallState.instance;
  String status = 'none';

  void initState() {

  void subscriptionPhoneCallStateChange() async {
      (event) {
            "Phone Number: ${event.number}\nPhone Status:${}");

          setState(() {
            status =;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
        body: Center(
          child: Text('Phone status: $status\n'),

Example App

Example Video App