pub package

Flutter PayTabs Bridge Emulator

Flutter PayTabs Bridge Emulator is a wrapper for the native PayTabs Android and iOS SDKs, It helps you integrate with PayTabs payment gateway.

Flutter support:

  • x iOS - 10 or later
  • x Android - 16 or later



Add flutter_paytabs_bridge_emulator to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_paytabs_bridge_emulator: ^1.0.11

Pay now

Import flutter_paytabs_bridge_emulator

import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge_emulator/flutter_paytabs_bridge_emulator.dart';

Pay with PayTabs

  1. Configure arguments
var args = {
      pt_merchant_email: "",
      pt_secret_key: "BIueZNfPLblJnMmPYARDEoP5x1WqseI3XciX0yNLJ8v7URXTrOw6dmbKn8bQnTUk6ch6L5SudnC8fz2HozNBVZmh7w9uq4Pwg7D1",// Add your Secret Key Here
      pt_transaction_title: "Mr. John Doe",
      pt_amount: "2.0",
      pt_currency_code: "USD",
      pt_customer_email: "",
      pt_customer_phone_number: "+97333109781",
      pt_order_id: "1234567",
      product_name: "Tomato",
      pt_timeout_in_seconds: "300", //Optional
      pt_address_billing: "test test",
      pt_city_billing: "Juffair",
      pt_state_billing: "state",
      pt_country_billing: "BHR",
      pt_postal_code_billing: "00973", //Put Country Phone code if Postal code not available '00973'//
      pt_address_shipping: "test test",
      pt_city_shipping: "Juffair",
      pt_state_shipping: "state",
      pt_country_shipping: "BHR",
      pt_postal_code_shipping: "00973", //Put Country Phone code if Postal
      pt_color: "#cccccc",
      pt_language: 'en', // 'en', 'ar'
      pt_tokenization: true,
      pt_preauth: false,
      pt_merchant_region: 'emirates',
      pt_force_validate_shipping: false
  1. Start calling startPayment method and handle the transaction details
FlutterPaytabsSdk.startPayment(args, (event) {
    List<dynamic> eventList = event;
    Map firstEvent = eventList.first;
    if(firstEvent.keys.first == "EventPreparePaypage") {
        // TODO
        // Here you can handle prepare events
    } else {
        // TODO
        // Here you can handle transcation details

Pay with Apple Pay

  1. Configure arguments
var args = {
  pt_merchant_email: "",
  pt_secret_key: "kuTEjyEMhpVSWTwXBSOSeiiDAeMCOdyeuFZKiXAlhzjSKqswUWAgbCaYFivjvYzCWaWJbRszhjZuEQqsUycVzLSyMIaZmhLlRqlp",// Add your Secret Key Here
  pt_transaction_title: "Mr. John Doe",
  pt_amount: "2.0",
  pt_currency_code: "AED",
  pt_customer_email: "",
  pt_order_id: "1234567",
  pt_country_code: "AE",
  pt_language: 'en',
  pt_preauth: false,
  pt_merchant_identifier: 'merchant.bundleId'
  pt_tokenization: true,
  pt_merchant_region: 'emirates',
  pt_force_validate_shipping: false
  1. Start calling startApplePayPayment method and handle the transaction details
FlutterPaytabsSdk.startApplePayPayment(args, (event) {
    List<dynamic> eventList = event;
    Map firstEvent = eventList.first;
    if(firstEvent.keys.first == "EventPreparePaypage") {
        // TODO
        // Here you can handle prepare events
    } else {
        // TODO
        // Here you can handle transcation details

Supported merchant region

Pass the parameters pt_merchant_region with one value of the below list according to supported region.

  • UAE = emirates
  • Egypt = egypt
  • Saudi Arabia = saudi
  • Oman = oman
  • Jordan = jordan
  • Global =global
  • Demo = demo

Prerequisites (iOS)

Disable the perfect forward secrecy (PFS) only for


Demo application

Check our complete example.




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