checkout method

Future<CheckoutResponse> checkout(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. required Charge charge,
  3. CheckoutMethod method = CheckoutMethod.selectable,
  4. bool fullscreen = false,
  5. bool hideEmail = false,
  6. bool hideAmount = false,

Make payment using Paystack's checkout form. The plugin will handle the whole processes involved.

context - the widget's BuildContext

charge - the charge object.

method - The payment method to use(card, bank). It defaults to CheckoutMethod.selectable to allow the user to select. For or CheckoutMethod.selectable, it is required that you supply an access code to the Charge object passed to charge. For CheckoutMethod.card, though not recommended, passing a reference to the Charge object will do just fine.


  • You can also pass the PaymentCard object and we'll use it to prepopulate the card fields if card payment is being used

fullscreen - Whether to display the payment in a full screen dialog or not

logo - The widget to display at the top left of the payment prompt. Defaults to an Image widget with Paystack's logo.

hideEmail - Whether to hide the email from the user. When false and an email is passed to the charge object, the email will be displayed at the top right edge of the UI prompt. Defaults to false

hideAmount - Whether to hide the amount from the payment prompt. When false the payment amount and currency is displayed at the top of payment prompt, just under the email. Also the payment call-to-action will display the amount, otherwise it will display "Continue". Defaults to false


Future<CheckoutResponse> checkout(
  BuildContext context, {
  required Charge charge,
  CheckoutMethod method = CheckoutMethod.selectable,
  bool fullscreen = false,
  Widget? logo,
  bool hideEmail = false,
  bool hideAmount = false,
}) async {
  return _Paystack(publicKey).checkout(
    charge: charge,
    method: method,
    fullscreen: fullscreen,
    logo: logo,
    hideAmount: hideAmount,
    hideEmail: hideEmail,