ColorPalette.random constructor

  1. int numberOfColors, {
  2. ColorSpace colorSpace = ColorSpace.rgb,
  3. num minHue = 0,
  4. num maxHue = 360,
  5. num minSaturation = 0,
  6. num maxSaturation = 100,
  7. num minBrightness = 0,
  8. num maxBrightness = 100,
  9. bool perceivedBrightness = true,
  10. bool distributeHues = true,
  11. num? distributionVariability,
  12. bool clockwise = true,
  13. bool growable = true,
  14. bool unique = false,

Generates a ColorPalette with numberOfColors at random, constrained within the specified hue, saturation, and brightness ranges.

minHue and maxHue are used to set the range of hues that will be selected from. If minHue < maxHue, the range will run in a clockwise direction between the two, however if minHue > maxHue, the range will run in a counter-clockwise direction. Both minHue and maxHue must be >= 0 && <= 360 and must not be null.

minSaturation and maxSaturation are used to set the range of the generated colors' saturation values. minSaturation must be <= maxSaturation and maxSaturation must be >= minSaturation. Both minSaturation and maxSaturation must be >= 0 && <= 100.

minBrightness and maxBrightness are used to set the range of the generated colors' percieved brightness values. minBrightness must be <= maxBrightness and maxBrightness must be >= minBrightness. Both minBrightness and maxBrightness must be >= 0 && <= 100.

If distributeHues is true, the generated colors will be spread evenly across the range of hues allowed for. distributeHues must not be null.

distributionVariability will add a degree of randomness to the selected hues, if distributeHues is true. If null, distributionVariability defaults to (minHue - maxHue).abs() / numberOfColors / 4. To allow for no variability at all, distributionVariability must be set to 0.

colorSpace defines the color space colors will be generated and returned in. colorSpace defaults to ColorSpace.rgb and must not be null.


factory ColorPalette.random(
  int numberOfColors, {
  ColorSpace colorSpace = ColorSpace.rgb,
  num minHue = 0,
  num maxHue = 360,
  num minSaturation = 0,
  num maxSaturation = 100,
  num minBrightness = 0,
  num maxBrightness = 100,
  bool perceivedBrightness = true,
  bool distributeHues = true,
  num? distributionVariability,
  bool clockwise = true,
  bool growable = true,
  bool unique = false,
}) {
  assert(numberOfColors > 0);
  assert(minHue >= 0 && minHue <= 360);
  assert(maxHue >= 0 && maxHue <= 360);
  assert(minSaturation >= 0 && minSaturation <= maxSaturation);
  assert(maxSaturation >= minSaturation && maxSaturation <= 100);
  assert(minBrightness >= 0 && minBrightness <= maxBrightness);
  assert(maxBrightness >= minBrightness && maxBrightness <= 100);
  return ColorPalette(_cast(
      colorSpace: colorSpace,
      minHue: minHue,
      maxHue: maxHue,
      minSaturation: minSaturation,
      maxSaturation: maxSaturation,
      minBrightness: minBrightness,
      maxBrightness: maxBrightness,
      perceivedBrightness: perceivedBrightness,
      distributeHues: distributeHues,
      distributionVariability: distributionVariability,
      clockwise: clockwise,
    growable: growable,
    unique: unique,