removeDrawable method

bool removeDrawable(
  1. Drawable drawable, {
  2. bool newAction = true,

Removes the first occurrence of drawable from the controller value.

Returns true if drawable was in the controller value, false otherwise.

If newAction is true, the action is added as an independent action and can be undone in the future. If it is false, the action is connected to the previous action and is merged with it.

Calling this will notify all the listeners of this PainterController that they need to update (it calls notifyListeners). For this reason, this method should only be called between frames, e.g. in response to user actions, not during the build, layout, or paint phases.

notifyListeners will not be called if the return value is false.


bool removeDrawable(Drawable drawable, {bool newAction = true}) {
  final action = RemoveDrawableAction(drawable);
  final value = action.perform(this);
  _addAction(action, newAction);
  return value;