copyWith abstract method

ObjectDrawable copyWith({
  1. bool? hidden,
  2. Set<ObjectDrawableAssist>? assists,
  3. Offset? position,
  4. double? rotation,
  5. double? scale,
  6. bool? locked,

Compares two ObjectDrawables for equality. Creates a copy of this but with the given fields replaced with the new values.

Extending classes must at least have the defined named parameters in their method implementation, but can add any extra parameters relevant to that class.


// @override
// bool operator ==(Object other) {
//   return other is ObjectDrawable &&
//       super == other &&
//       other.position == position &&
//       other.rotationAngle == rotationAngle &&
//       other.scale == scale &&
//       SetEquality().equals(other.assists, assists) &&
//       MapEquality().equals(other.assistPaints, assistPaints);
// }

/// Creates a copy of this but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
/// Extending classes must at least have the defined named parameters in their method
/// implementation, but can add any extra parameters relevant to that class.
ObjectDrawable copyWith({
  bool? hidden,
  Set<ObjectDrawableAssist>? assists,
  Offset? position,
  double? rotation,
  double? scale,
  bool? locked,