textFocusNode property

FocusNode? get textFocusNode

The focus node used to edit text drawables text from value.settings.text directly.


FocusNode? get textFocusNode => value.settings.text.focusNode;
set textFocusNode (FocusNode? focusNode)

The focus node used to edit text drawables text from value.settings.text directly.

Setting this will notify all the listeners of this PainterController that they need to update (it calls notifyListeners). For this reason, this value should only be set between frames, e.g. in response to user actions, not during the build, layout, or paint phases.


set textFocusNode(FocusNode? focusNode) => value = value.copyWith(
    settings: value.settings
        .copyWith(text: value.settings.text.copyWith(focusNode: focusNode)));