show abstract method

OverlayEntryControl show(
  1. Widget builder(
    1. BuildContext context
    ), {
  2. required String id,
  3. required int zindex,
  4. Color backgroundColor = Colors.transparent,
  5. OverlayLayoutTypeEnum type = OverlayLayoutTypeEnum.custom,
  6. bool dismissible = false,

If the id exists, just keep the current entry respectively. The entry's inserted just below the entry whose zindex greater than the zindex. Return an OverlayEntryControl instance for controlling the entry if need.


OverlayEntryControl show(
  Widget Function(BuildContext context) builder, {
  required String id,
  required int zindex,
  Color backgroundColor = Colors.transparent,
  OverlayLayoutTypeEnum type = OverlayLayoutTypeEnum.custom,
  bool dismissible = false,