show static method

void show(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. Widget? progressIndicator,
  3. ThemeData? themeData,
  4. Color? overlayColor,
  5. double? overlayFromTop,
  6. double? overlayFromBottom,
  7. bool isAppbarOverlay = true,
  8. bool isBottomBarOverlay = true,
  9. bool isSafeAreaOverlay = true,

If you need to show an normal overlayloader, just call with a build context. BuildContext is a required param.


static void show(
  BuildContext context, {

  /// Define your custom progress indicator if you want [optional]
  Widget? progressIndicator,

  /// Define Theme [optional]
  ThemeData? themeData,

  /// Define Overlay color [optional]
  Color? overlayColor,

  /// overlayTop mean overlay start from Top margin.
  /// If you have custom appbar and you want to show loader without custom
  /// appbar then will be custom appbar height here and also you have to make
  /// sure [isAppbarOverlay = false].
  double? overlayFromTop,

  /// overlayFromBottom mean overlay end to Bottom margin.
  /// If you have custom BottomAppBar and you want to show loader without
  /// custom BottomAppBar then will be custom BottomAppBar height here and
  /// also you have to make sure [isBottomBarOverlay = false].
  double? overlayFromBottom,

  /// isAppbarOverlay default true.
  /// If you need to appbar outside from overlay loader then make it false.
  bool isAppbarOverlay = true,

  /// isBottomBarOverlay default true.
  /// If you need to BottomBar outside from overlay loader then make it false.
  bool isBottomBarOverlay = true,

  /// isSafeAreaOverlay default true.
  /// If you don't want to overlay  your safe area like statusBar and
  /// bottomNavBar then make it false.
  bool isSafeAreaOverlay = true,
}) {
  var safeBottomPadding = MediaQuery.of(context).padding.bottom;
  var defaultPaddingTop = 0.0;
  var defaultPaddingBottom = 0.0;
  if (!isAppbarOverlay) {
    isSafeAreaOverlay = false;
  if (!isSafeAreaOverlay) {
    defaultPaddingTop = defaultValue;
    defaultPaddingBottom = defaultValue + safeBottomPadding;
  } else {
    defaultPaddingTop = defaultValue;
    defaultPaddingBottom = defaultValue;

  _overlayState = Overlay.of(context);
  if (_currentLoader == null) {
    ///Create current Loader Entry
    _currentLoader = OverlayEntry(builder: (context) {
      return Stack(
        children: <Widget>[
              overlayColor ?? Color(0x99ffffff),
              isAppbarOverlay ? 0.0 : overlayFromTop ?? defaultPaddingTop,
                  ? 0.0
                  : overlayFromBottom ?? defaultPaddingBottom),
              child: Loader._(

    try {
      widgetBind?.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
        if (_currentLoader != null) {
    } catch (e) {