updateFirmware abstract method

Future<void> updateFirmware(
  1. BluetoothDevice device,
  2. int updateType,
  3. int firmwareType,
  4. BluetoothService service,
  5. BluetoothCharacteristic dataUUID,
  6. BluetoothCharacteristic controlUUID, {
  7. String? binFilePath,
  8. String? url,

Method to update firmware.

device: The Bluetooth device to update firmware on. updateType: The type of update operation. firmwareType: The type of firmware to update. service: The Bluetooth service for firmware update. dataUUID: The UUID of the Bluetooth characteristic for data transfer. controlUUID: The UUID of the Bluetooth characteristic for control commands. binFilePath: The file path of the firmware binary (optional). url: The URL to fetch firmware from (optional).


Future<void> updateFirmware(
    BluetoothDevice device,
    int updateType,
    int firmwareType,
    BluetoothService service,
    BluetoothCharacteristic dataUUID,
    BluetoothCharacteristic controlUUID,
    {String? binFilePath,
    String? url});