sendPart method
sendPart function which is used to send parts to the esp32
Future<void> sendPart(int position, Uint8List data) async {
final bleRepo = BleRepository();
int start = (position * part);
int end = (position + 1) * part;
if (data.length < end) {
end = data.length;
int parts = (end - start) ~/ mtu;
print("Parts are $parts");
for (int i = 0; i < parts; i++) {
"created $i parts"); //<------------------------------ Print to debug
Uint8List toSend = Uint8List(mtu + 2);
toSend[0] = 0XFB;
toSend[1] = i;
int variable = 2;
for (int y = 0; y < mtu; y++) {
/// toSend.append(data[(position * PART) + (MTU * i) + y])
int x = data[(position * part) + (mtu * i) + y];
Uint8List list2 = Uint8List.fromList([x]);
/// Copy the contents of list1 into the beginning of combinedList
toSend.setRange(variable, variable + list2.length, list2);
variable = variable + list2.length;
/// print statement below should be replaced with actual sending code
print("Before writing data, to send length is ${toSend.length}");
await bleRepo.writeDataCharacteristic(writeCharacteristic, toSend);
//print("--- send data at this line in code ---"); //<------------------------------ Print to debug
if ((end - start) % mtu != 0) {
print("in other if");
int rem = (end - start) % mtu;
Uint8List toSend = Uint8List(rem + 2);
toSend[0] = 0XFB;
toSend[1] = parts;
int variable = 2;
for (int y = 0; y < rem; y++) {
int x = data[(position * part) + (mtu * parts) + y];
Uint8List list2 = Uint8List.fromList([x]);
/// Copy the contents of list1 into the beginning of combinedList
toSend.setRange(variable, variable + list2.length, list2);
variable = variable + list2.length;
/// print statement below should be replaced with actual sending code
print("2nd write");
await bleRepo.writeDataCharacteristic(writeCharacteristic, toSend);
Uint8List update = Uint8List.fromList([
((end - start) ~/ 256),
((end - start) % 256),
(position ~/ 256),
(position % 256)
/// print statement below should be replaced with actual sending code
await bleRepo.writeDataCharacteristic(writeCharacteristic, update);
print("---- send update on this line of code --- $update");