setAssetTexture static method

Future<bool> setAssetTexture(
  1. String uniformName,
  2. String assetName, {
  3. AddMethod method = AddMethod.replace,

Load an asset image, flip vertically and add it to the shader uniform with the name uniformName toReplace if true replace the texture with another one with different size.


static Future<bool> setAssetTexture(String uniformName, String assetName,
    {AddMethod method = AddMethod.replace}) async {
  final Uint8List inputImg =
      (await rootBundle.load(assetName)).buffer.asUint8List();
  final decoder = img.PngDecoder();
  img.Image? decodedImg = decoder.decode(inputImg);

  img.Image rgba = decodedImg!.convert(
    format: Format.uint8,
    numChannels: 4,
    withPalette: false,

  // texture in OpenGL have the origin at top left, so flip it vertically
  rgba = img.flipVertical(rgba);

  final decodedBytes = rgba.getBytes(order: img.ChannelOrder.rgba);

  bool ret = false;
  switch (method) {
    case AddMethod.add:
      ret = OpenGLController().openglFFI.addSampler2DUniform(
          uniformName, rgba.width, rgba.height, decodedBytes);
    case AddMethod.replace:
      ret = OpenGLController().openglFFI.replaceSampler2DUniform(
          uniformName, rgba.width, rgba.height, decodedBytes);
    case AddMethod.set:
      ret = OpenGLController()
          .setSampler2DUniform(uniformName, decodedBytes);
  return ret;