load method

Future<String?> load({
  1. required ByteData src,
  2. required String name,
  3. required int index,
  4. bool forceLoad = false,
  5. bool replace = false,

Load sound file with specified src byte data and specified file name with custom index value. Don't overload file for same index or it won't load it. Or set forceLoad to true. This method will generate temp file in device, so you can decide if you will replace file with replace bool.


Future<String?> load({required ByteData src, required String name, required int index, bool forceLoad = false, bool replace = false}) async {
  File? f = await (writeToFile(src, name: name, replace: replace));

  if(f == null)
    return null;

  final String? result = await _channel.invokeMethod("load", {"path": f.path, "index" : index, "forceLoad" : forceLoad});

  print("Result : $result");

  return result;