OCRCameraWidget constructor

const OCRCameraWidget({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required List<CameraDescription> camera,
  3. MaskType maskType = MaskType.idCard,
  4. required ValueChanged<XFile?> onResult,
  5. String title = 'This is title',
  6. TextStyle tStyle = _defaultTStyle,
  7. String firstDescription = 'This is first description',
  8. TextStyle fdStyle = _defaultFdStyle,
  9. String secondDescription = 'This is second description',
  10. TextStyle sdStyle = _defaultSdStyle,
  11. String questionToConfirmUseByTakenPhoto = 'This is question to confirm use by taken photo',
  12. TextStyle qtcubtpStyle = _defaultQTCUBTPStyle,
  13. String rejectText = 'Captures',
  14. TextStyle rtStyle = _defaultRtStyle,
  15. String confirmText = 'Using this photo',
  16. TextStyle cStyle = _defaultCStyle,
  17. Widget takePhotoButton = _takePhotoButton,


const OCRCameraWidget({
  Key? key,
  required this.camera,
  this.maskType = MaskType.idCard,
  required this.onResult,
  this.title = 'This is title',
  this.tStyle = _defaultTStyle,
  this.firstDescription = 'This is first description',
  this.fdStyle = _defaultFdStyle,
  this.secondDescription = 'This is second description',
  this.sdStyle = _defaultSdStyle,
  this.questionToConfirmUseByTakenPhoto =
      'This is question to confirm use by taken photo',
  this.qtcubtpStyle = _defaultQTCUBTPStyle,
  this.rejectText = 'Captures',
  this.rtStyle = _defaultRtStyle,
  this.confirmText = 'Using this photo',
  this.cStyle = _defaultCStyle,
  this.takePhotoButton = _takePhotoButton,
}) : super(key: key);