authenticateSector<T> static method

Future<bool> authenticateSector<T>(
  1. int index, {
  2. T? keyA,
  3. T? keyB,

Authenticate against a sector of MIFARE Classic tag (Android only).

Either one of keyA or keyB must be provided. If both are provided, keyA will be used. Returns whether authentication succeeds.


static Future<bool> authenticateSector<T>(int index,
    {T? keyA, T? keyB}) async {
  assert((keyA.runtimeType == String || keyA.runtimeType == Uint8List) ||
      (keyB.runtimeType == String || keyB.runtimeType == Uint8List));
  return await _channel.invokeMethod(
      'authenticateSector', {'index': index, 'keyA': keyA, 'keyB': keyB});