transceive static method

Future<String> transceive(
  1. String capdu

Transceive data with polled WebUSB device according to our protocol.


static Future<String> transceive(String capdu) async {
  log.config('CAPDU: $capdu');
  if (!_deviceAvailable()) {
    throw PlatformException(
        code: "406", message: "No tag polled or device already disconnected");
  try {
    var rawCAPDU = Uint8List.fromList(hex.decode(capdu));
    var rawRAPDU = await _doTransceive(rawCAPDU);
    String rapdu = hex.encode(rawRAPDU);
    log.config('RAPDU: $rapdu');
    return rapdu;
  } on TimeoutException catch (_) {
    log.severe("Transceive timeout");
    throw PlatformException(code: "408", message: "Transceive timeout");
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    log.severe("Transceive error", e);
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    log.severe("Transceive error", e);
    throw PlatformException(
        code: "500", message: "WebUSB API error", details: e);