Flutter Neumorphisms

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The given code is a Flutter widget implementing a neumorphic design effect. Here's a brief explanation:

FlutterNeumorphisms: A custom widget designed for neumorphism, providing a soft, embossed or debossed effect using shadows.


  • Shadows:
    • topLeftShadowColor, bottomRightShadowColor: Define the colors for light and dark shadows, creating the illusion of depth.
    • topLeftShadowBlurRadius, bottomRightShadowBlurRadius: Control the softness of shadows.
    • topLeftShadowSpreadRadius, bottomRightShadowSpreadRadius: Define how far the shadows spread.
    • topLeftOffset, bottomRightOffset: Specify the shadow directions.
  • backgroundColor: The background color of the widget.
  • borderRadius: The widget's rounded corner radius.
  • borderWidth: The thickness of the border around the widget.


  • height and width: Define the size of the neumorphic container.
  1. onTap: A callback function triggered when the widget is tapped.

  2. Child Content:

    • A Row layout is used, containing:
      • An icon (Icons.opacity_rounded).
      • A spacer (SizedBox) for spacing.
      • A Column with two text widgets displaying "Drop" and "Neu morphism."

This widget combines visual appeal with functionality by enabling a neumorphic design and supporting tap interactions.

      onTap: () {},
      borderRadius: 12,
      bottomRightShadowBlurRadius: 15,
      bottomRightShadowSpreadRadius: 1,
      borderWidth: 5,
      backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade300,
      topLeftShadowBlurRadius: 15,
      topLeftShadowSpreadRadius: 1,
      topLeftShadowColor: Colors.white,
      bottomRightShadowColor: Colors.grey.shade500,
      height: 100,
      width: width,
      bottomRightOffset: const Offset(4, 4),
      topLeftOffset: const Offset(-4, -4),
      child:  const Row(
        children: [
          Icon(Icons.opacity_rounded,size: 30),
          SizedBox(width: 20),
            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
            children: [
              Text("Drop",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20)),
              Text("Neu morphism",style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),),