copyWith method
- Color? baseColor,
- Color? accentColor,
- Color? variantColor,
- Color? disabledColor,
- Color? shadowLightColor,
- Color? shadowDarkColor,
- Color? shadowLightColorEmboss,
- Color? shadowDarkColorEmboss,
- Color? defaultTextColor,
- NeumorphicBoxShape? boxShape,
- TextTheme? textTheme,
- NeumorphicStyle? buttonStyle,
- IconThemeData? iconTheme,
- NeumorphicAppBarThemeData? appBarTheme,
- NeumorphicStyle? defaultStyle,
- bool? disableDepth,
- double? depth,
- double? intensity,
- Color? borderColor,
- double? borderSize,
- LightSource? lightSource,
Create a copy of this theme With possibly new values given from this method's arguments
NeumorphicThemeData copyWith({
Color? baseColor,
Color? accentColor,
Color? variantColor,
Color? disabledColor,
Color? shadowLightColor,
Color? shadowDarkColor,
Color? shadowLightColorEmboss,
Color? shadowDarkColorEmboss,
Color? defaultTextColor,
NeumorphicBoxShape? boxShape,
TextTheme? textTheme,
NeumorphicStyle? buttonStyle,
IconThemeData? iconTheme,
NeumorphicAppBarThemeData? appBarTheme,
NeumorphicStyle? defaultStyle,
bool? disableDepth,
double? depth,
double? intensity,
Color? borderColor,
double? borderSize,
LightSource? lightSource,
}) {
return new NeumorphicThemeData(
baseColor: baseColor ?? this.baseColor,
textTheme: textTheme ?? this.textTheme,
iconTheme: iconTheme ?? this.iconTheme,
buttonStyle: buttonStyle ?? this.buttonStyle,
boxShape: boxShape ?? this.boxShape,
appBarTheme: appBarTheme ?? this.appBarTheme,
accentColor: accentColor ?? this.accentColor,
variantColor: variantColor ?? this.variantColor,
disabledColor: disabledColor ?? this.disabledColor,
defaultTextColor: defaultTextColor ?? this.defaultTextColor,
disableDepth: disableDepth ?? this.disableDepth,
shadowDarkColor: shadowDarkColor ?? this.shadowDarkColor,
shadowLightColor: shadowLightColor ?? this.shadowLightColor,
shadowDarkColorEmboss ?? this.shadowDarkColorEmboss,
shadowLightColorEmboss ?? this.shadowLightColorEmboss,
depth: depth ?? this._depth,
borderWidth: borderSize ?? this.borderWidth,
borderColor: borderColor ?? this.borderColor,
intensity: intensity ?? this._intensity,
lightSource: lightSource ?? this.lightSource,