toPrettyJson function

String toPrettyJson(
  1. dynamic input

Converts a dynamic input into a formatted JSON string.

This function handles both String and Map input types.

  • If the input is a JSON string, it decodes and formats it.
  • If the input is a Map, it directly converts it to a formatted JSON string.
  • If the input is null or an invalid type, it returns an error message.


  • input (dynamic): The JSON string or Map to convert.


  • String: A prettified JSON string or an error message.


String toPrettyJson(dynamic input) {
  Map<dynamic, dynamic>? jsonMap;

  if (input == null) {
    return '{}';

  if (input is String) {
    if (input.isEmpty) {
      return '{}';
    // If input is a JSON string, decode it into a Map
    try {
      jsonMap = json.decode(input);
    } catch (e) {
      return 'Error decoding JSON string: $e';
  } else if (input is Map) {
    // If input is already a Map, use it directly
    jsonMap = input;
  } else {
    // return 'Invalid input type: expected String or Map';
    return '';

  if (jsonMap == null) {
    return '';

  try {
    // Use JsonEncoder with 2-space indentation to make the JSON pretty
    const jsonEncoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ');

    // Convert the Map object into a pretty JSON string
    return jsonEncoder.convert(jsonMap);
  } catch (e) {
    // If there's an error during conversion, return an error message
    // return 'Error converting to JSON: $e';
    return '';