convertBodyToString function

Future<String> convertBodyToString(
  1. StreamedResponse response

Converts the body of an http.StreamedResponse into a String.

This function reads the response stream from an http.StreamedResponse and decodes the bytes into a UTF-8 string. It can be used to convert streamed responses into a format suitable for logging, display, or further processing.

Example usage:

final response = await client.send(request);
final responseBody = await convertBodyToString(response);


  • response (StreamedResponse): The HTTP streamed response containing the response body stream.


  • Future<String>: A future that completes with the response body as a decoded string.

This function asynchronously waits for the entire response stream to be read into memory, making it suitable for responses of manageable size. It decodes the bytes using UTF-8, which is the most commonly used encoding for HTTP content.


Future<String> convertBodyToString(StreamedResponse response) async {
  final responseBodyBytes = await;
  final responseBodyString = utf8.decode(responseBodyBytes);
  return responseBodyString;