models/ocr_predictor_response_model library

OcrPredictorResponseModel is used when we want to fetch data from a document either by uploading docment files or by using document url.


Cell will basically provide the tabular information about the label, verificationStatus etc about the prediction made.
Prediction class will be used to store the data received from "prediction" key in Result class. Result class will contain List of Prediction class implying that there will be a list of predictions stored in the list which will be of Prediction type.
Result class will be used to store the data received from the "result" key from the API response. It will consist of message, input, prediction, requestFileId etc data about the given input and output.
SignedUrl will be used to hold the information related to the the uploaded file or url. It will have data like original, thumbnail, originalCompressed etc data related to the SignedUrl.