toInt method
Returns the int representation of this integer.
On some platforms, inputs with large absolute values (i.e., > 2^52) may lose some of their low-order bits.
int toInt() {
int l = _l;
int m = _m;
int h = _h;
// In the sum we add least significant to most significant so that in
// JavaScript double arithmetic rounding occurs on only the last addition.
if ((_h & _SIGN_BIT_MASK) != 0) {
l = _MASK & ~_l;
m = _MASK & ~_m;
h = _MASK2 & ~_h;
return -((1 + l) + (4194304 * m) + (17592186044416 * h));
} else {
return l + (4194304 * m) + (17592186044416 * h);